Tasks and Action items in Focus

Hey everyone,

We did it for you. 

I’m talking about tasks in Focus. 

It’s possible not only set big and ambitious goals (OKRs), but also create daily tasks and connect them with OKRs. 

Tasks in Focus
Tasks in Focus

It allows creating an action plan to achieve your key results. 

In the Tasks menu, you can create a todo and link it to an objective. You can set a due date, assignee, and priority for a task.

Tasks in Focus
Assignee, a due date, priority, and OKR

But it’s not everything.

Also, you can choose tasks in daily check-ins too. No need to type twice your daily plan. Just drag action items you want to mention in the check-in and drop them in the answers area.

Tasks in check-ins
Tasks in check-ins

Soon we will add more cool things in Focus.
