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10 Tips for Running Effective Remote Team Meetings

As remote work continues to become more prevalent in the modern workplace, virtual team meetings have become a crucial part of ensuring team collaboration and productivity. However, it can be challenging to keep everyone focused and engaged during virtual meetings due to the specific difficulties inherent in their execution. 

In this post, we’re sharing the top secrets to keeping your remote team on the same page and working toward a common goal. Whether you’re heading an entirely virtual team or just attempting to get the most out of a virtual meeting, these tips will help you maximize efficiency.

Top Challenges of Leading a Remote Team

Managing a remote team presents its own set of challenges that can be quite different from leading a team that works in the same physical location. Here are some of the most common challenges of leading a remote team:


Communication is the most important part of managing a team. Managers give directions at every step of a project or business effort, so they need to be very good at explaining the strategy and knowing what’s going on within a team. In the same way, team members need to report on how a project is going, understand “why” it’s being done, and hand off work easily for projects to stay on track.  

But communication can be challenging when dealing with team members who are spread out around the world and/or in different time zones. Since tone and body language are less obvious in written communication, misunderstandings are more likely to occur in situations when the parties involved cannot see each other.

Building Trust

Having team members in different locations can make it more challenging to establish the trust necessary for productive collaboration. It can be difficult to establish rapport and trust in a remote meeting setting since participants cannot see each other’s body language or facial expressions. 

Additionally, the non-verbal indicators that we generally use to develop trust, such as a strong handshake, eye contact, or physical proximity, may be missing in virtual settings. Participants may feel less connected to one another and the job without these cues, which can erode trust.


Collaboration can be more difficult in a remote team, as team members are not able to easily pop into each other’s offices for quick conversations. Leaders need to create opportunities for collaboration, such as virtual brainstorming sessions, and ensure that team members are comfortable using collaboration tools like video conferencing and project management software. 

Managing Productivity

Remote meetings frequently take place in a participant’s house, where there could be interruptions from the surroundings. These interruptions might make it challenging to remain concentrated and involved in the meeting, which lowers productivity.

Additionally, compared to in-person meetings, there might be less accountability, which would make it simpler for participants to multitask or get sidetracked without anybody knowing. Reduced productivity and a lack of engagement may result from this lack of accountability.

Most Common Mistakes When Running Virtual Meetings

Just like in-person meetings, virtual meetings can be prone to common mistakes that can impact their effectiveness. Here are some of the most common mistakes when running virtual meetings:

Poor Audio and Video Quality

Technical difficulties are common when it comes to virtual meetings, but the most common ones are poor audio and video quality. It can be challenging to communicate effectively when people are not able to hear or see each other clearly. Therefore, it is important to invest in quality equipment such as a high-quality microphone, camera, and stable internet connection to ensure that the audio and video quality is top-notch.

Lack of Adequate Preparation

Lack of preparation is one of the most common mistakes when running virtual meetings. It is essential to have a clear agenda and objectives for the meeting and communicate them to all attendees beforehand. This allows everyone to come prepared with relevant information, questions, and feedback, which will make the meeting more productive and efficient.

Not Managing Time Effectively

Time management is crucial when running virtual meetings, as attendees may have other commitments and limited attention spans. It is important to stick to the schedule, ensure that each agenda item is covered within the allocated time, and provide breaks if the meeting is long. This will help participants stay focused and avoid losing interest.


10 Tips on How to Run Effective Remote Meetings

Leading online meetings can be a challenge, especially when working with a remote team. There are, nonetheless, certain easy measures that leaders can take to guarantee effective online meetings for better remote teamwork:

Have a Clear Meeting Goal

If there aren’t clear goals for the meeting, it won’t be useful and will just waste everyone’s time. Ask yourself, What is the purpose of this meeting? to set your meeting objectives. Is it a session to come up with thoughts or a meeting to solve problems? Does the group need an update or just to check in? Virtual meetings are more productive when participants come prepared with specific objectives.

Use the Right Remote Meeting Tools

Online meeting tools are necessary for virtual team meetings with remote teams as they enhance collaboration, save time and money, improve communication, increase flexibility, and offer record-keeping capabilities. Pick remote meeting software solutions that are simple to use and navigate, especially for team members who are less tech-savvy. Make sure the tools you choose are also compatible with the hardware and software that your team members are using. 

Set a Meeting Agenda

Create an agenda for each meeting and share it with meeting participants ahead of time. This will help the meeting stay on track and give attendees a sense of what to expect. Moreover, it will set a clear timeline for the meeting, including the duration of each agenda item. Such structure helps keep the meeting on track and prevents it from running over time.

Establish Proper Etiquette

Establish a few simple rules for attendees to follow for virtual meetings to go well. They will tell people what to do during a meeting and what to expect from each other. It’s important to make sure everyone knows these ground rules before your meeting. This can be done by writing a few words in the meeting invitation. You could also consider putting your remote meeting etiquette in your company’s policy.

Always Start the Meetings on Time

Starting the meeting on time is essential, as it shows respect for everyone’s time. Be sure to send out the meeting link to all participants in advance and remind meeting attendees of the start time.

Define Roles and Expectations

Define the roles of each participant in the meeting. This helps to ensure that everyone knows what is expected of them during the meeting. For example, one person can be assigned as the facilitator to keep the meeting on track, and another person can take meeting notes.

Include High-Quality Content

If you want your team members to get involved more actively in the meeting, providing them with high-quality content is a must. Graphs, videos, images, and documents are all good examples of the types of content that can be used to help your audience grasp the meeting’s goal. Make sure the material may be accessed at a later time by the attendees.

Encourage Participation

Encourage all participants to speak up and contribute to the discussion. This can be achieved by opening the meeting with a casual conversation, inviting feedback, asking open-ended questions, using breakout rooms, and leveraging interactive tools such as polls and surveys.

Follow Up 

After the meeting, follow up with participants to ensure that everyone is clear on action items and next steps. It is important to send a summary of the meeting and any action items to attendees, assign tasks and deadlines, and follow up to ensure that tasks are completed.

Continuously Improve

Continuously improve your meetings by soliciting feedback from participants and trying new things. Consider holding a retrospective meeting to discuss what worked well and what can be improved for the next meeting.

Photo by cottonbro studio

The Bottom Line

Running effective remote team meeting is crucial for ensuring that your team stays connected, motivated, and productive. By using the tips discussed in this post, you can create a meeting structure that engages your team members, fosters collaboration, and supports efficient decision-making. 

Remember to prioritize communication, encourage participation, and be mindful of time zones and other logistical considerations. With these strategies in place, you can build a strong remote team that achieves its goals and thrives in the virtual workplace.