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Creative Ways to Boost Employee Engagement in a Remote Workplace

Employee engagement has emerged as a major issue for many managers and executives as businesses continue to adopt remote work. Fostering a sense of togetherness, teamwork, and motivation can be challenging when teams are operating from multiple time zones and locations. However, there are many creative ways to boost employee engagement in the remote workplace, from virtual team-building activities to flexible work arrangements. Here, we’ll look at some of the most creative ways to boost employee engagement, productivity, and sense of community.

What is Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement is the level of a person’s dedication, drive, and emotional involvement in their work. It refers to how much employees identify with their jobs, their coworkers, and the company’s fundamental principles.

Employees that are engaged are driven to come to work every day and exert every effort to make their organization successful. They are invested in the company work for more than just a paycheck or a promotion.

An engaged employee is aware of the company’s goals and is happy with their current position and future course in the organization.  

Why is Employee Engagement Important?

Every organization needs engaged employees to succeed and expand. Here are the top benefits of employee engagement: 

  • Increased productivity. Employee engagement increases focus, effectiveness, and workplace productivity. Engaged employees are more inclined to take initiative, go above and beyond what is required of them at work, and come up with novel solutions to issues.
  • Better employee retention rate. Engaged employees are more likely to stay with their company, reducing turnover costs and the need to constantly hire and train new employees. 
  • Improved customer satisfaction. Engaged team members are more likely to deliver high-quality customer service, which results in increased client loyalty and satisfaction.
  • Higher profitability. Engaged employees are more committed to achieving the organization’s goals, which leads to better financial return and performance. 
  • Enhanced innovation. Remote employees who are engaged are more willing to share their ideas and collaborate with colleagues, leading to increased innovation and creativity. 

7 Powerful Ideas How to Boost Employee Engagement

Improving employee engagement is a powerful way to create a positive and productive workplace. Engaged employees are more committed, motivated, and productive, which leads to better outcomes for the organization. Here are some innovative ideas to boost remote employee engagement levels:

Encourage Regular Communication and Check-Ins

Regular communication and check-ins are crucial for boosting employee engagement because they help employees feel connected and informed. It helps create a sense of transparency and organizational trust that can enhance employee satisfaction and performance.

Plan frequent one-on-one meetings with team members to go over objectives, progress, and any difficulties. Make sure to maintain open lines of communication and encourage the entire team to share thoughts and ask questions, provide assistance if needed, and offer employee feedback.

Encourage Health and Wellness

The well-being of your staff should be one of the top priorities, especially in a remote workplace where one of the main risks is overworking. Ultimately, if your employees experience burnout they won’t be able to work as effectively—or at all. 

Consider incentivizing your employees to go outside, prepare a nutritious meal, exercise, or develop a healthy habit. For instance, start a wellness initiative for your team, such as a 30-day yoga challenge or a month of regular walks. This will not only promote the health of your staff members but also strengthen their bonds and prove your concern for their general well-being.  

Provide Opportunities for Professional Development

When you provide opportunities for professional development, employees will be able to learn new skills and knowledge. As a result, they will feel more competent and assured in their abilities, ultimately leading to greater engagement.

Opportunities for professional growth can also help employees with career development within the organization. When they have a clear path for advancement and feel like you are invested in their long-term success, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work.

Establishing Clear Goals and Expectations

You must establish clear goals and standards to give workers a sense of direction and importance. When they are aware of what is expected of them and what they are aiming for, employees feel more inspired and invested in their work. They will also be more inclined to take ownership of their work and hold themselves responsible for their performance when goals and expectations are clearly laid out.

Smiling woman having video chat via laptop in library

Photo by SHVETS production on Pexels

Recognize and Reward Achievements

Recognizing and rewarding achievements is another effective way to boost remote employee engagement. Acknowledge and celebrate employee achievements publicly, such as in team meetings or company-wide announcements. This reinforces a sense of accomplishment and motivates employees to continue performing at a high level. 

Also, provide individual recognition and appreciation to employees for their contributions. This can be in the form of a personalized email, handwritten note, or verbal recognition. Finally, consider offering rewards and incentives to employees who achieve their goals or exceed expectations. This can be a salary bonus, gift card, or additional time off.

Offer Flexibility and Autonomy

Employees are more likely to feel valued, supported, and inspired to perform at their best when they are given the freedom to work in a manner that meets their individual requirements and preferences.

Offer flexible work schedules to allow employees to balance their work and personal responsibilities. Also, give them as much autonomy as possible and encourage them to take ownership of their work and make decisions that impact their job. This creates a sense of empowerment that leads to increased motivation and engagement. 

Provide Resources and Tools for Success

Nowadays, there are many resources and tools that can help to increase employee engagement in the workplace. 

For instance, use a survey tool to regularly measure employee engagement and identify areas where you could make improvements. Also, it’s crucial that you leverage remote team management tools like Focus to take care of the administrative burden of task management, daily and weekly check-ins, and OKR creation.

Support Work-Life Balance

Employee engagement depends on promoting work-life balance because this enables workers to strike a healthy equilibrium between their personal and professional lives. The likelihood of feeling overburdened and stressed is lower among employees who believe they have enough time to attend to their personal requirements and obligations.

Supporting work-life balance can also help employees feel more energized and motivated when they are at work. Increased productivity can lead to a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, which can further contribute to employee engagement.

Creative Employee Engagement Initiatives

Boosting employee engagement is essential for creating a positive and productive workplace. Here are some creative ways to boost employee engagement:

Host Virtual Team-Building Activities and Games

Hosting remote team-building activities and games is an excellent way to boost employee engagement, especially in the remote workplace.

Trivia games are a fun and engaging way to get employees working together and learning new things. Host a virtual trivia night and let employees compete in teams or individually. Another option is to organize a virtual scavenger hunt which is a great way to get employees moving and interacting with each other. Create a list of items that employees must find in their homes or around their neighborhoods, and see who can find them all first.

Host Virtual Happy Hour

Hosting a virtual happy hour is another great way to help employees unwind and get to know each other better. Choose a time that works for everyone, taking into account time zones and work schedules.

You could also pick a fun theme for the happy hour, such as a game night or even karaoke night. This adds an element of excitement and encourages participation. Encourage employees to bring their own drinks and snacks and spend time chatting and socializing.

Implement an Employee Recognition Program

Implementing an employee recognition program provides employees with a sense of appreciation and motivation. Define the criteria for recognition, such as achieving goals, exceptional performance, teamwork, or innovation. 

Make sure the criteria are clear, specific, and aligned with the organization’s values and goals. Then, consider the type of rewards that will be most meaningful to employees, such as cash bonuses, gift cards, extra time off, or public recognition. Finally, establish a process for nominating employees for recognition, such as an online form or a suggestion box. Encourage employees to nominate their peers and provide feedback on their performance.

Provide Mental Health Resources and Support

Providing mental health resources and support helps employees feel valued, supported, and cared for. Consider providing access to online mental health resources, such as self-help guides, podcasts, and mobile apps that can help employees manage stress and anxiety. 

You can also offer comprehensive mental health benefits as part of your employee health plan, including coverage for therapy, psychiatric care, and prescription medications.

Cheerful woman having video call via laptop

Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels

Bottom Line

As remote workforce becomes more common, it’s essential to find ways to boost employee engagement. By investing in the well-being and development of your staff, you can see higher productivity, lower turnover, and a favorable effect on your company’s bottom line.

Using the innovative techniques we’ve outlined, you can easily foster a productive workplace where staff members feel respected, encouraged, and inspired to give their best work.