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13 Strategies for Increasing Employee Engagement and Boosting Productivity

Increasing employee engagement is crucial for raising workplace productivity. A disengaged team performs poorly, whereas a fully engaged crew can achieve performance levels that have never been seen before.

As a leader, you should constantly strive to increase your team members’ participation and strive for high engagement and outstanding job performance. But encouraging engagement is harder than it sounds, and like every aspect of business, it requires a clear strategy to succeed. 

This article outlines the 13 top tips on how to improve team engagement so you can foster an organizational culture where people want to participate. 

Why Is Employee Engagement Important For An Organization

All companies need strong employee engagement initiatives because they enhance the work environments, help decrease employee turnover, improve productivity, foster solid relationships with clients, and positively influence bottom lines.

Employee engagement has the greatest impact on business operations and profitability at a corporate level. Additionally, it assists in understanding the needs of the workforce and locating opportunities to boost morale and foster better working conditions.

A high engagement level makes workers happier and makes them your biggest supporters. The energy and productivity of the workforce increase, and they perform above and beyond the call of duty. Naturally, this affects their mental well-being and may positively impact people around them, including coworkers and clients.

Employees are more effective, happier, and content when they feel that the management team cares about them as a person and not simply an employee. Ultimately, employee happiness leads to customer satisfaction, which results in profitability.

The Top 13 Ways to Increase Employee Engagement

Improving employee engagement demands the active participation of your leadership team, and a successful strategy warrants considerate planning. 

Here are some of the top strategies on how to increase employee engagement. 

Set a Clear Mission and Be a Model for the Core Corporate Values

Workers usually feel engaged when they have a purpose that motivates them and an objective they can support. Set an example for your team and expect accountability from everyone. Otherwise, you’ll encourage a distrustful atmosphere that will disengage workers.

Create a statement of objectives and a brief list of your company’s fundamental values first, then teach these principles to every employee. By doing this, you can be sure that team members know the significance of the company’s values, what is anticipated of each employee, and how they benefit the organization.

Always Give Feedback

Employees consider regular communication and delivering feedback to be among the most important talents a manager should possess. For an effective employee engagement increase, encourage managers to set up regular one-on-one meetings with their direct reports.  

Implementing a feedback schedule at a company level is a good tactic, but remember that each team is unique and that recurring touchpoints could feel forced on some. Managers should talk with their subordinates about the way that they want to receive feedback to engage workers successfully. 

Create an Honest Work Environment

You will likely have disengaged employees if the leadership seems like a mystery. If your employees don’t understand what is going on behind the curtains, they won’t be able to completely commit to it.

Always be open and honest with your staff. Leadership should implement policies that encourage more openness; they can be forthright about internal issues within the company. You could even include employees in your brainstorming session to see their take on the proposed business plans. Above all, avoid using information hoarding as a tool or a way to reward top performers.

Nurture Employees’ Health

People are more likely to be engaged at work when a company works toward improving their mental health and general employee well-being in addition to physical health. Launching a wellness program can be a successful employee engagement strategy. To promote healthy habits outside the office, sponsor fitness sessions as business trips, and organize happy hours.

Encourage staff to take days off when they feel overwhelmed and concentrate on themselves by providing meditation classes. Stock the office kitchen with wholesome snacks so that workers have something to eat throughout the hectic workday. 

Reward Achievements and Recognize Success

The most motivated employees are typically the ones who go above and beyond in their work, making it easy to identify them. Be sure to express employee appreciation and thank top performers for going the extra mile.

Prompt managers to regularly give employee recognition because it is one of the top priorities for employees to receive feedback. Make use of your internal communication channels to encourage company-wide acknowledgments.  

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Foster Innovation

Helping to instill passion in the workplace is a crucial area for growth when it comes to employee engagement. 

Employees who believe they can actively contribute to the company’s mission and do so by using their unique skills and knowledge will be more engaged at work and eager about their work. 

Make The Company’s Onboarding Procedure More Robust

The chances of an employee feeling disengaged are the highest during the first weeks of employment. You can show new hires they belong and fit in the company culture by giving them a successful onboarding experience.

Spend some time outlining the specifics of the staff, the company’s objectives and core principles, and the function of their role. In addition to preparing them for great achievements in their new position, this shows how important they are to the organization’s mission.

Support Career Development 

About 63% of workers who quit their jobs cited the absence of opportunity for professional growth as the main factor in their choice.

Employee motivation comes from knowing that the organization values their talents. Therefore, establishing a progression path will maintain employee engagement and assist you in retaining top personnel. Additionally, supporting your employees’ personal development demonstrates that you appreciate them beyond just their work. 

Provide Opportunities for Training 

Many employees now prioritize their professional development. The inclusion of opportunities for staff members to expand their skill sets, gain knowledge from peers, and participate in formal training sessions will increase employee engagement at work but also deter them from looking for a new position elsewhere.

It can be as easy as giving all staff members a stipend to utilize for job-related courses or setting up meetings for senior leadership to educate junior workers on some knacks that will benefit them in their line of work to establish an employee training program. 

Provide Flexibility

Nearly 70% of workers say they would rather forgo a higher salary in favor of an enhanced work-life balance. Employee engagement will almost certainly increase with flexible work arrangements and remote employment options.

To demonstrate that you value your team members personally, give employees the option for flexible working hours and let them know it’s okay to move things around when they need to get on time for their fitness class, do a passion project, or participate in family reunions.  

Educate Your Managers to Implement the Best Employee Engagement Strategies

The most important elements of fostering employee engagement are educating managers and holding them accountable. To better prepare managers, provide seminars on leadership development and training programs. 

They should coach their reports and advise them on improving and providing constructive feedback. Managers can meaningfully engage staff by letting them know how they value feedback and recognition.  

Make Workdays More Fun

Employees will be more invested and engaged if they can forge a sense of community with their coworkers. Consider organizing office competitions or setting aside thematic days when employees can engage in themed activities or dress up. Also, celebrate important milestones, birthdays, and other important occasions in your employees’ personal lives to show that you care about them beyond the workplace. 

Remember that it’s crucial to schedule employment engagement events during the working day rather than after hours. Employees might otherwise feel work-related activities are interfering with their personal lives. 

Don’t Forget the Remote Teams

Making employees feel like they are a part of the corporate culture would require more effort if you have team members that work from home or in satellite locations. 

Employees that are spread out across different areas are more likely to feel like they are a part of the team by using technologies like videoconferencing rather than phone conferencing. To avoid remote teams feeling excluded or undervalued, ensure all workstations have the same facilities and benefits wherever they are.

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The Bottom Line

Maintaining employees’ involvement requires making them feel valued by the organization. The more opportunities your staff members have to engage in meaningful communication and work in an environment that fosters creativity, innovation, and teamwork, the more dedicated they’ll be to your company’s objectives and long-term success.

Now that you understand how to increase employee engagement, you’re well on your way to leading your teams to success.