Focus bot: Guide for Discord

How to install and use Focus bot on Discord

How to install

Please use the same email address on Focus that you use on Discord.
For teams that have already used Focus, you will add the Focus bot to your existed Focus account. Make sure your email address matches the one you use in Discord.
If you haven’t registered at Focus or your email address at Focus doesn’t match the one you use in Discord, adding the Focus bot to your Discord workspace creates the new workspace at Focus.

User's email address on Discord = User's email address on Focus

Step 1
Add Focus bot in your Discord team by clicking the button ‘Add to Discord’.
You can click the “Add to Discord” button either on the Discord App Directory or in the Integrations menu in Focus.

how to install step1

Step 2
Allow the bot installation in Discord. Choose your server.

how to install step2-1

And confirm that you want to give the Focus bot following permissions.

how to install step2-2

Step 3
Boom! That’s all.
Congratulations! Focus bot was installed in your Discord workspace.

Step 4 (optional)
After that, you can invite your teammates to Focus if you haven’t done it yet.

How to use

Focus sends your team notifications when it’s time for daily check-in or weekly plan according to the schedule in settings.

By default, you have 4 active campaigns at Focus: daily check-ins, weekly plans, weekly updates, and icebreakers. If you want to change something (time, questions, participants) or turn off notifications, you can easily manage it in the Settings menu (daily check-ins, weekly updates, weekly plans, icebreakers). 

Default settings: no participants in campaigns. So, if you want to run campaigns in Discord, please add members in the campaign settings.

Check-in campaigns settings

To edit bot’s settings, you should use the Settings menu. There are settings for all campaigns: daily check-ins, weekly updates, weekly plans, and icebreakers. Also, you can create your own campaigns like Monthly Retrospective, Backlog Grooming, or any other. To do that, click on the button “Create Campaign” and follow the form.

There are no participants in the campaign settings by default. If you want to run only Daily Check-ins, then click on the Edit button and go to the Discord Section.

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Here is the Discord Section
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Add participants and connect Discord with Focus users.
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Connect Discord users with Focus users. Please specify who is who in your Discord server and Focus workspace. Please choose a Focus user for each Discord member.
NOTE: If you don’t connect Discord and Focus users, then Discord answers will be saved as answers from Discord users (no connection with Focus users).

Also, specify where the bot should send answers. The bot will send results either in a public channel or DMs.

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Don’t forget to click on the Submit button to confirm all changes.

What can you change in Focus bot settings?

  • Choose channels or users who will participate in the campaign. By default, everyone participates.
  • Choose a channel or a user who will get team reports
  • Change the time and questions

Status shows the bot status. If you want to turn the bot off, just click on the status to switch the bot.

Participants: users or channels for the campaign. You can choose specific users for participation in the check-in or everyone.

Delivery results: You can receive reports with check-ins or weekly updates in direct messages for users or in public channels. Specify users and/or channels whom bot will send reports in the Delivery results section. Just click on the button ‘Choose channels’ and specify it. If you choose public channel for reports, please add the Focus bot to this channel.

Check-in or Update results

Focus bot sends DM when a check-in is started.
check in or update results 1
Also, you can specify a channel or user to receive answers in Discord
check in or update results 2
Message with results.
You can receive check-in results in Discord (if you specified it on Settings) and in Focus web app.

OKRs settings

If you create Objectives at Focus, the Focus bot will send notifications when someone updates OKRs (Objective and Key Results). It helps to sync the team and focus on the most important things. To use it, please specify a public channel for OKRs notifications and add the Focus bot to the channel.

Go to OKR settings (Settings > Integrations > OKR settings)

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You will find 2 sections there: OKR updates and OKR reminders.

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Make active OKR updates and specify the channel where the bot should send messages.

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If you want to send reminders, make it active and choose intervals: weekly or biweekly. The bot can remind users who didn’t update their OKRs last week or last 2 weeks.

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