Feedback and more 

This week, we launched a couple of updates at Focus. The biggest one is the Feedback feature.

Feedback at Focus

You asked – we delivered. You can send feedback to your teammates and managers. The feedback feature is designed to spark creativity, put out potential fires, and help teammates show up as their best selves.

You can either give feedback to a teammate in free form or follow questions at Focus. It doesn’t matter which way do you prefer more. The most important is delivering value to people you are working together. 

How to send feedback?

Just choose a teammate in the People section. Go to feedback and then click on the Give Feedback button. 

Feedback at Focus
Feedback at Focus

Also, you can choose the privacy of feedback. Everyone can see public feedback. However, private feedback is hidden from everyone. Only the teammate you sent feedback and admin will be able to see it.

Private feedback at Focus
Private feedback

Also, you can ask for feedback from your teammate by clicking the Ask feedback button. In this case, Focus sends a notification to the teammate.

Other updates at Focus

Privacy at Weekly Plans and Weekly Updates

By default, all weekly update answers are public. Everyone can see it. However, if you want to make answers private when only authors and admins can read answers, then use the Privacy feature in weekly updates settings.

Go to Settings > Weekly Updates Campaign and make Private answers active clicking on the checkbox.

Privacy at weekly updates and plans
Privacy at weekly updates and plans

Same works for weekly plans.

Privacy at OKRs

More privacy.

You asked us about privacy at OKRs several times. We have it now. 

You can specify privacy when you are creating OKRs.

Privacy at OKRs
Privacy at OKRs

There are 3 levels of privacy at OKRs:

  • Public. Everyone can see an OKR.
  • Team. Only your team, owners of key results, and admin can see an OKR.
  • Private. Only you, owners of key results, and admin can see an OKR.

